A. S. Pavlov 1,2, D.V. Alexandrov 1,3, A. A. Petrov 2
1Proffessional ice hockey club CSKA, Moscow, Russia;
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow;
3Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Moscow Region.
Abstract. The tactical training in modern ice hockey is one of the key problems that widely discussed among the sport specialists nowadays. The concept of tactics presented in theory and methods of ice hockey does not fully reflect the predetermining aspects of effective tactical training of ice hockey players. In this regard, an alternative definition of the term «ice hockey tactics» has been proposed. The limiting factors that prevent the effective training of tactical actions are noted. It is proposed to correlate the tactical training in ice hockey with the theory of functional systems of P.K. Anokhin. A classification of training exercises developed by A.P.Bondarchuk has been expanded. The introduction of a block of tactical training exercises into the classification of training exercises using in preparation of ice hockey players is justified.
Keywords: ice hockey, tactics, tactical training exercises, classification of training exercises.
Introduction. Tactical preparedness of the hockey players and the hockey team is one of the determining factors of the team’s performance in competitions. In training hockey players have always paid attention to their tactical training. Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov also wrote that the team, in which hockey players have technical and tactical skills, will always be a strong team. V.P. Savin, professor of the Department of theory and methods of hockey at the Russian State University of Physical Culture, doctor of pedagogical sciences, in his textbook considered the concept of «tactics» as a rational construction and organization of collective and individual actions of hockey players with the optimal use of means and methods of playing against opponents to achieve victory [6]. Thus, the components of tactical actions of a hockey team are individual, group and team actions. Offensive and defensive actions are considered separately in hockey theory. The process of learning tactical interactions of hockey players includes theoretical and practical training with direct training on the ice of specific individual, group and team tactical tasks. Продолжить чтение