Sergey E. Pavlov
The claims of any individual in any kind of activity can be realized only if his actions aimed at achieving a particular goal are based on the knowledge of the laws of nature, or at least do not contradict them. Human sports activities cannot be an exception to this rule. And the only thing in which the modern theory of sports can be based on is the systemic laws of development and adaptation of the human body [2, 4, 5, 6, 7].
The current ideas about adaptation are based on: the theory of the reflex arc by R. Descartes (1596-1650); the absurd notion of the constancy of the “internal environment” of the body by C. Bernard (1813-1878) and W. Cannon (1871-1945); an illiterate idea that stress is the only non-specific reaction of the body and that it is stress that is the starting factor of the adaptation process (G. Selye, 1936, 1958). At the same time, the fundamental works on physiology by I. M. Sechenov, A. A. Ukhtomsky, I. P. Pavlov, P. K. Anokhin, K. Kh. Waddington, L. Kh. Garkavi, E. B. Kvakina, M A. Ukolova, P. D. Gorizontova, S. E. Pavlov and many others are ignored by many scientists.
The «classical» theory of physical education is built on: ideas about the existence of «general physical qualities» of the human body and the need for their development to achieve sports results (V. Ukhov, 1875; F. Lagrange, 1892; J. Demeny, 1915; F. Schmidt, 1920, 1925; R. T. McKenzie, 1930; A. D. Novikov, 1941, 1949; N. A. Bernstein, 1949; and others); absurd ideas about the mechanisms of adaptation (G. Selye, 1936, 1958, etc.; M. G. Pshennikova, 1986; F. Z. Meyerson, M. G. Pshennikova, 1988; V. N. Platonov, 1988); principles of sports training contradicting each other and actual acting laws of physiology; the theory of periodization of the annual cycle of sports training, originally tied to the natural and climatic seasonal features of human life in the European part of the northern hemisphere of the planet (B. A. Kotov, 1916, 1917; I. N. Sergeev, 1925; L. Pikala, 1930; and others .). At the same time, “sports theorists” completely ignore the numerous publications of A. N. Vorobyov, V. S. Fomin, A. P. Bondarchuk. Preparation of the athletes should be based on completely different laws and principles.
Such ignorance of the works of serious researchers — for the sake of their own established ideas — can be explained by the effect of «cognitive dissonance», described by the psychologist L. Festinger back in 1957. The source of this effect is the conflict between established ideas and new knowledge and the inability for most so-called «scientists» to come to terms with the fact that their previous views were vicious. Real scientists inevitably revise their ideas from the standpoint of new knowledge, but for the vast majority of those who are formally considered «scientists», changing the established ideas costs exorbitant mental effort for them. A much easier choice for them is a complete denial of scientific realities in the name of preserving their own (actually “collective”) faiths and beliefs. It is impossible to exclude the conscious ignoring of modern knowledge by a small, more educated part of “sports theorists”, who managed to understand that modern knowledge threatens their image as “scientists” and, as a result, their financial well-being.
Back in 1976, sports physiologist N. N. Yakovlev wrote that training is an adaptation process. The only problem is that this process is not proceeding as it was before and represents today the absolute majority of sports teachers. Real working laws of adaptation are described by S. E. Pavlov (2000, 2010, etc.). The effectiveness of these laws has been confirmed in experiments and in the practice of sports. It is these laws that determine the dynamics of changes in the special fitness of athletes and their sports results, depending on the methods used to build the periods of training of athletes and the characteristics of training loads [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
Ardent adherents of the periodization theory of training athletes most often cite the high sports results of individual athletes as an argument in defense of its effectiveness, although not one of the “sports theorists” has ever had and does not have the slightest idea of how one or another person trained and prepared for starts. In fact, the level of effectiveness of a particular theory used in the practice of sports should be judged by the number of “downed pilots” — by the number of initially talented athletes who, precisely “thanks to” periodization training, could not achieve high sports results. Real data would shock even the most stubborn fans of the periodization theory… However, when using the periodization method in sports, high results can be achieved — if the means and methods prohibited by the IOC are used in the training of athletes. So A. M. Yakimov (2000) and E. B. Myakinchenko, V. N. Seluyanov (2009) in their works argue that when using the periodization method in the training of athletes, high sports results can be achieved only with the use of doping. What has been happening for a long time in world sports …
Sports education in all universities of the world today is an absolute fiction! But for the umpteenth time we recall: “The destruction of any nation does not require atomic bombs or the use of long-range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education …” (a poster hanging in front of the entrance to Stellenbosch University, South Africa).
To date, at least 45 methods have been developed for constructing periods of training for athletes, about which neither teachers nor university graduates have the slightest idea. Based on the real working laws of adaptation, an algorithm for the complex technology of training athletes has been developed [3, 6, 7]. The core of this algorithm is the sports and pedagogical process. Knowledge and use in the training of athletes of the systemic laws of physiology, the laws of training transfer and the laws of supercompensation allows you to choose the most effective method for building training periods for each athlete, as well as select sets of training exercises that allow the athlete to achieve the maximum possible (at the moment) during each adaptation cycle level of fitness and sports performance. The algorithm of the complex technology for training athletes also includes a biomedical unit, consisting of: specialized medical control; stage and continuous control over the level of functional readiness of an athlete for training and competitive activities; a complex of specific manipulations that provide a full recovery after training and competitive loads and contribute to an increase in the level of an athlete’s fitness [1, 4, 5]. An effective non-ping method of stimulating the special fitness of athletes has been developed and successfully tested in the practice of sports [4, 5, 6, 7]. Methods for urgent assessment of the psycho-emotional state and readiness of athletes for competitive activity have been selected [6, 7]. Non-pharmacological methods for correcting the psycho-emotional states of athletes have been developed [5, 6]. A course of lectures on the fundamentals of systemic physiology and the theory of sports has been prepared.
- Pavlov, A. S. Speed and speed endurance of hockey players / A. S. Pavlov // OntoPrint Publishing House — M., 2017. — 151 p., ill.
- Pavlov, S. E. Physiological foundations for the training of qualified athletes: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions of physical culture / S. E. Pavlov; MGAFK. — Malakhovka, 2010. — 88 p.
- Pavlov, S. E. Technology of training athletes / S. E. Pavlov, T. N. Pavlova — Moscow Region, Shchelkovo: Publisher Markhotin P. Yu., 2011. — 344 p., ill.
- Pavlov, S. E. Laser stimulation in medical and biological support for the training of qualified athletes / S. E. Pavlov, A. N. Razumov, A. S. Pavlov — M .: Sport, 2017. — 216 p.
- Pavlov, S. E., Razumov, A. N., Pavlova, T. N. Fundamentals of medical and biological support for the training of qualified athletes. — M. : OntoPrint Publishing House, 2018. — 340 p.
- Pavlov, S. E. Modern technologies for training highly qualified athletes / S. E. Pavlov, A. S. Pavlov, T. N. Pavlova — 2nd ed. finalized and additional — M. : OntoPrint Publishing House, 2020. — 300 p.
- Pavlov, S. E. Modern theory and practice of sports / S. E. Pavlov, D. V. Alexandrov, A. S. Pavlov // Printing House LLC, 2020. — 102 p.: illus.