The book by S.E. Pavlov, A.S. Pavlov, T.N. Pavlova «Modern technologies for training highly qualified athletes» in terms of the materials presented in it and the degree of their analysis has no analogues in the world.
The authors confirm that the basis of many years of training athletes is the sports and pedagogical process. Nevertheless, they emphasize that all aspects of the life of the human body should be studied and considered in its active interaction with the environment, and the laws of development and adaptation of his body are the main determining results of any human activity. The book points out the gross fallacy of the common beliefs about the process and adaptation mechanisms. It is especially noted that these ideas cause irreparable harm to all branches of sports science and practice. The systemic laws of adaptation are presented, which describe the general principles and specific features of the organism’s adaptation to the complex environmental factors acting on it. The laws of «cross-adaptation» and «transfer of training» are described, the knowledge of which is absolutely necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the training process. The erroneousness of the notions of supercompensation laws prevailing in sports pedagogy is especially indicated. A real-life principle of the development of supercompensatory states of the body, which play a crucial role in sports practice, is given.
The authors categorically deny the existence of certain «physical qualities» of the human body, explaining their point of view from systemic physiological positions. It is argued that the process of training athletes should be focused, and training loads should meet the principles of expediency and optimality.
They criticized the widespread periodization method for constructing training macrocycles. Modern methods for constructing training periods for qualified athletes are presented. It is argued that the choice of the method of constructing the training process should be determined by the specifics of the chosen sport, sports qualifications and the age of the athletes.
Modern definitions of fitness and fitness are given. Ways and conditions of increasing the level of special training of athletes and their achievement of a state of a sports form are indicated.
The physiological substantiation of the necessity of introducing into the practice of sports continuous integrated monitoring of the level of preparedness of athletes for training and competitive activity is given. The goals and objectives are determined and the principles of such control in sports are indicated. The principles of conducting stress testing of qualified athletes are outlined, which are based on knowledge of the systemic laws of physiology. The capabilities of bench tests of athletes’ performance were determined. It is argued that it is precisely the data of comprehensive control over the level of readiness for the athlete’s training and competitive activity that should underlie the construction of both training programs and individual recovery programs and enhance the special performance of athletes. For use in the practice of sports, traditional and modern means and methods of current and operational control over the level of preparedness of athletes for training and competitive work are offered. It was especially noted that the hardware for integrated control in sports should be determined by the specifics of the sport and the specific tasks that need to be addressed.
The book presents modern theoretical ideas about the mechanisms of development of fatigue, fatigue, overtraining and overstrain. As an alternative to existing theories of fatigue, the authors propose a «systemic theory of fatigue», which describes the principles and mechanisms of the development of fatigue from systemic physiological positions.
The modern ideas about the laws of the course of recovery processes in the athlete’s body are described. The basic principles of rehabilitation measures in sports are highlighted. Separate biomedical tools and methods that can be used in a complex of measures to restore and increase the athletic performance of athletes are given.
Effective methods are proposed for increasing the special training of athletes, ensuring the achievement of high sports results without the use of doping.
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