Pavlov A.S., Deev A.E., Mikhailov A. B., Petrov A.A.
Annotation. This article discusses one of the problems of training hockey players — effectively mastering techniques of competitive movements. The analysis of training sessions of hockey players in various age groups show the need to change the content of their training sessions, and the search for effective training methods aimed at the growth of individual technical skills of young hockey players. A new method is proposed and justified for constructing exercises in the training of hockey players.
Keywords: technique of sports movements, methods of development of sports technique
Introduction. The basis of any players hockey skills is the level of sophistication of his technical skills [2,3]. That is why leading hockey clubs around world work and pay special attention to the technical skills of a hockey player throughout their whole career. For this, both group and individual methods of work can be used to improve the technique of specific competitive movements. However, both methods which have indisputable advantages, also have their drawbacks. But the common problem of both methods is the need for significant time-consuming training for mastering each competitive movement. If it is impossible to increase the duration and number of training sessions, coaches are forced to sacrifice to some extent working on the technical elements of the game of hockey in favor of other components of hockey players that ensure the performance of teams in official competitions. This is one of the reasons why in recent decades in hockey schools, work on technical skills has been getting an insignificant amount of time.
Currently, coaches of hockey schools, striving to ensure the success of today’s performances at competitions, focus on training work, which, in their opinion, ensures the fastest growth for competitive performance of the team (short term results). This overlooks the fact that, for example, the effectiveness of building various tactical schemes in the game of hockey directly depends on the individual technical skills of the players, and the lack of correct motor skills of the latter leads to a larger number of mistakes in competitive exercises. As a result of the chronic lack of attention paid in hockey schools to mastering the techniques of competitive movements, these schools prepare and release «technically weak» hockey players [1].
Main part. As an additional method of mastering the technical elements of the game of hockey, we propose an integrative method of constructing exercises performed on ice while combining technical and tactical methods of training hockey players. The essence of the integrative method is the introduction of various technical elements into the already used complexes of specific on ice exercises and tactical schemes. This method allows you to simultaneously solve the tasks of tactical and technical training of hockey players without violating the principle of optimal training loads.
When implementing an integrative method of building exercises it is proposed to introduce additional «stations» («an exercise inside of an exercise», for example work on technical elements: skating, puck control, passing, dekes, etc.) at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the proposed exercise.
Conclusion. The introduction of an integrative method in the construction of exercises will allow solving several problems at once:
1. The number of repetitions of technical elements increases, the amount of technical work in the preparation microcycles increases, the terms of mastering specific motor acts are reduced.
2. In each training session, work is systematically carried out on the formation of correct motor skills with their transfer to competitive exercises and directly into the game.
3. The motor density of training sessions increases.
The introduction of an integrative method of building training exercises in the long-term process of training hockey players does not detract from the meaning and necessity of individual and group work on improving the technical skills of hockey players, but it can significantly improve the efficiency of technical work. It should be clarified that this method can only be used in the training of hockey players who have firmly mastered the basic technical elements of the game of hockey.
The use of an integrative method of building training exercises in the preparation of hockey players for youth and professional teams will contribute to the growth of individual technical and tactical skills of athletes, which will inevitably lead to an increase in a team’s performance.
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Pavlov A.S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Methodist of the CSKA Hockey School, professor at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Hockey in the name of A.V. Tarasov, RSUPE, Moscow, Russia
Deev A.E., Director of the CSKA Hockey School, Moscow, Russia
Mikhailov A.B., Honorary Coach of Russia, First Deputy Director of the CSKA Hockey School, Moscow, Russia
Petrov A.A., analyst of the women’s national hockey team of Russia, professor at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Hockey in the name of A.V. Tarasov, RSUPE, Moscow, Russia
Pavlov, A. S. Integrative method in the construction of exercises for ice hockey / A. S. Pavlov, A. A. Petrov // The XII Annual International Conference for Students and Young Researchers «Modern University Sport Science», RSUPESY&T – M., 2019 – P. 204-206